
Vision Statement

At St Paul’s First School, we feel it is integral that all children have a good understanding of the world both past and present. We believe that high quality History lessons will encourage children to be excited and interested in events of the past. At St Paul’s we aim to give our children a History curriculum which enables them to become confident, creative and independent learners. Furthermore, we believe that within History lessons, we are encouraging children to acquire a range of knowledge and skills which they can adapt and apply to other curriculum areas and real life situations.

We also seek to broaden children’s understanding through educational visits, visitors, exploration and discovery. Within school, we aim to investigate sources such as pictures, factual information and artefacts to ask and answer questions about the past and how these impact on today’s society. Throughout the different Key Stages we aim for our curriculum to be progressive and develop a sense of chronology during the many topics studied whilst the children are with us.

For the History policy, please see the policy page of the web site:


History Curriculum Mapping

History Skills Grids


Vision Statement

At St Paul’s we aim to provide a rich variety of learning opportunities and experiences to nurture and encourage children’s natural curiosity and allow them to become inquisitive learners.  Our Geography curriculum is designed to give pupil’s an excellent knowledge of the world in which they live and to discover where places are and what they are like.  Pupils will develop a deep knowledge and understanding of our human and physical environments and acquire an extensive comprehension of geographical vocabulary.  All pupils will have the ability to make comparisons between places in the world and to ask questions as well as give their own opinions.   It is our aim that all pupils will have the skills to use world maps, atlases and globes; to use compass directions and to collect and analyse data. At St Paul’s we also encourage an awareness of environmental responsibility and through fieldwork children will learn how to care for and respect our surroundings, our community, other cultures and the environment.

For the Geography policy, please see the policy page of the web site:



Geography Curriculum Mapping

Geography Skills Grids