The Local Academy Committee of St Paul’s CE First School
At St Paul’s we strive to develop confident, self assured, positive young people who love to learn, who want to contribute and need to achieve. The LAC work together with the headteacher and dedicated team of staff to deliver this vision for the whole school community.
The core role of the LAC is to:
- ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- hold the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
- oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure the money is well spent.
To carry out this role effectively, we have a clear organisation within the LAC linked to the school’s self review and development planning process.
Committees and Meetings
- The Local Academy Committee (LAC) meets once a half term. The meetings are clerked, and once a term we receive the headteacher’s report on the school and we ensure that the statutory responsibilities of the LAC are fulfilled.
- The LAC monitors the school’s expenditure throughout the year to ensure the school is financially secure and the money is well spent. This committee also agree the annual budget and agree on the school’s staffing structure.
- The LAC considers reports from H & S inspections and to discuss new regulations received from SUAT, the LEA or HSE.
- The LAC reviews curriculum policies and any changes to the provision, frequently meeting with staff and pupils to gain an insight into a particular subject area. LAC members are also invited into staff training days and they also ensure that the school complies with all relevant legislation relating to equality and diversity, eg disability, gender etc. Members of staff also report to the LAC on their subject leadership role. The quality of teaching and learning is also monitored as this has a bearing on how the curriculum is delivered and how much progress is being made.
Please select a file to download:
LAC Register of Interests 2023-2024
LAC Meeting Dates 2024-2025
LAC Meeting Dates 2023/2024
LAC Meeting Dates - 2022/2023
Attendance at LAC Meetings 2023-2024
Attendance at LAC Meetings 2022-23
Attendance at Meetings 2021-2022
Historical Record of Past Governors
Link Governors
There are specific link LAC members for SEND, safeguarding, pupil voice and pupil premium. We also have link LAC members for each subject who meet with subject leaders termly to ensure that the LAC has a better understanding of the issues and to discuss future plans.
Link Governors 2023-2024
Who are the Local Academy Committee?
The LAC is made up of a specified number of different types of members to represent the community. They are parents, staff and representatives from the community that have been co-opted onto the LAC board.
LAC members serve for a specified number of years and we are always looking for new and enthusiastic people who care about the education of our children to join the LAC.
Please click on the file below to find out more about our LAC members:
Meet the LAC 2023-2024
LAC Membership 2023-2024
Category |
Name |
Term Ends |
Role |
Parent Governors
(4 year term of office) |
Emma Bryant |
17.10.2027 |
Mr Josh Eyre |
17.10.2027 |
Vice Chair of Governors |
Co-opted Governors
(2 year term of office) |
Mrs Jo Sawyer |
17.10.2027 |
Chair of Governors |
Mrs Audrey Brown |
17.10.2027 |
Mr Clive Haddock |
17.10.2027 |
Mrs Carol Holloway |
17.10.2027 |
Staff Governors
( 4 year term of office) |
Mrs Claire Richards |
Headteacher |
Miss Louisa Griffiths |
17.10.2027 |
Foundation Governors
(4 year term of office) |
Mrs Janet Beason |
14.02.2024 |
Vacancy |
Vacancy |
Parish Priest |
Associate Governor |
Mr Chris Evans |
17.10.2027 |