House Captains

The children at St Paul’s are encouraged to work together in their house teams to collect house points throughout the year

We have recently introduced the incentive of reward days at the end of each term for the winning house team with a special treat at the end of each academic year for the overall winner.

House Captains for 2024-2025 are:

Beech (Green): Regan

Hazel (Blue): Amber

Oak (Yellow): Toby and Amy

Willow (Red): Liv Keira


Wellbeing  and Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

Each year a group of children from Year 4 become Wellbeing and Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. This is a joint role and these children will work alongside Miss Woodgate to help us to support and promote wellbeing for all at school.  This year’s ambassadors are:

Billy, Nathaniel


2022/23 Photo Gallery

Oak Reward Morning - Autumn 2022 Winning House

Beech Reward Morning - Spring 2023 Winning House

Sports Day 2023 Winners - Oak Reward Morning

School Council

The aim of our School Council is to develop an awareness of citizenship and to engage the children, to some extent, in the running of the school.

Our School Council is made up of children across the school, with 2 representatives each from Reception through to Year 4.

These children are elected by their class mates to be representative of the views of their peers and to attend regular meetings to discuss matters of interest concerning the school’s organisation and development. They disseminate information from the Council meeting back to their classmates and take the views of their classmates back to Council.

The School Council is actively involved in decision making within the school, engaging in discussions with teachers, head teacher and their peers.

School Council Representatives for 2024-2025 are:

Reception: Bradley and Eboni-Rae

Year 1: Chester and Abbie

Year 2: Penelope 

Year 3: Elliott W and Florence

Year 4: Charlotte


Play Leaders

Each year a group of children from Year 4 take on the role of Play Leader. These children support Mrs Walsh  and the lunchtime supervisors in ensuring that we have lots of fun games and activities planned for breaktimes. This year’s leaders are:

Amy, Nathaniel, Jack


We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

Join the Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.