How we teach Mathematics at St Paul’s First School


  • Development Matters is used to plan work for the Foundation Stage.
  • The National Framework for Numeracy is used to plan units of work from Y1 to Y4.
  • The White Rose scheme of learning is used as a foundation for planning in all year groups. This is based on a children having access to concrete, pictorial and abstract methods of learning, as well as a mixture of fluency, problem solving and reasoning tasks.
  • In addition to the hourly daily Maths lesson, children in Years 1-4 take part in a daily mental maths lesson.

Y1 to Y4:

Mathematics is taught every day. Typical lessons incorporate the following elements:

  1. Learning Objectives /teaching: I / We / You. Followed by assessment.
  2. Independent work followed by self and peer assessment.
  3. Self- and teacher assessment leading to further progress.

Assessment of individuals is a high priority throughout lessons so that tasks are matched carefully to challenge pupils. Assessment for Learning has been recognised as a strength of our approach. The teaching encourages Knowledge, Understanding and higher order Reasoning skills to maximise progress and independent learning by pupils. Mental strategies are taught in a separate short lesson four times each week. Mental recall skills are also practised discretely.

Early Years:

Early Mathematics knowledge and understanding is developed through a variety of investigative activities during continuous provision. Usually an adult will be working alongside to demonstrate and model the learning so they can plan the progress of their own learning.

Learning Difficulties:

Everyone at St Paul’s First School believes that all children, regardless of ability and behaviour are valued equally. Children with Disabilities or Special Education Needs (DSEN) are not viewed as a separate entity but are part of the whole school approach, and different children’s needs are recognised and met through varied and flexible provision throughout the curriculum.

The achievement of Full Dyslexia Friendly Status recognises that we meet the needs of all our children. We believe that this will not only benefit children with dyslexic tendencies but will also have a significant impact on other pupils whose Literacy skills are not appropriate to their age, as strategies that are good for the dyslexic learner are good for everyone.

For the Maths policy, please see the policy page of the web site:

The link below will give parents and carers further information about the statutory Multiplication Tables Check for all children in Year 4 which takes place in June.

Multiplication Tables Check - Parent and Carer Information Session January 2025

Please click on the link below which takes you to the most recent Maths Workshop offered to all parents. The aim of this was to share with all parents how we teach Maths and how you can help at home too.

Maths Information Session for Parents and Carers 2024

Please find a list of useful Maths web sites in the PDF file below:

List of Maths Website for Parents

Maths Calculation Progression

Please find our school Maths targets below:

Reception Maths Targets

Year 1 Maths Targets

Year 2 Maths Targets

Year 3 Maths Targets

Year 4 Maths Targets


The National Curriculum Programmes of Study for each year group can be found below:

Year 1 Maths National Curriculum Programme of Study

Year 2 Maths National Curriculum Programme of Study

Year 3 Maths National Curriculum Programme of Study

Year 4 Maths National Curriculum Programme of Study


We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

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SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.