The Foundation Stage applies to children from birth to the end of the Reception year.
In our school, children can join our Nursery when they are 3 years old. (Compulsory schooling begins at the start of the term after a child’s fifth birthday.) The Foundation Stage helps to build on the child’s earliest experiences to provide a secure foundation for learning throughout their school years and beyond.
Aims of the Foundation Stage
For children joining our Nursery class, the early year’s education we offer our children is based on the following EYFS principles:
- A unique child
- Positive relationships
- Enabling environments
- Learning and development
Children joining our Reception class have already learnt a great deal. Many have been to St Paul’s Nursery and a range of other settings that exist in our community.
The EYFS Learning and Development requirements guide us to look carefully at the children in our care and consider their needs and interests. By looking at their stages of development we can plan a challenging and enjoyable experience across all areas of learning. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.
These three areas, the prime areas, are:
- Communication and language;
- Physical development; and
- Personal, social and emotional development.
Staff must also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. The specific areas are:
- Literacy;
- Mathematics;
- Understanding the world; and
- Expressive arts and design.
Our EYFS Curriculum Map is below:
EYFS Curriculum for Nursery and Reception
EYFS staff are:
Early Years Lead and Reception Teacher: Mrs Walsh –
Nursery Teacher: Miss Ball-
SENCO: Miss Amy Stafford
Nursery Teaching Assistant (Mornings) – Mrs Beason
Reception Teaching Assistant (Mornings) – Mrs Clemson
Reception Teaching Assistant (Afternoons) – Mrs Beason
Reception 1:1 support – Mrs Holloway/Mrs Clemson
Higher Level Teaching Assistant – Mrs Hodgkins
Nursery Lunchtime Supervisor – Mrs Roden/ Miss Griffiths
Reception Lunchtime Supervisor – Miss Leadbeatter
Reception 1:1 lunchtime support – Mrs Clemson
Application form for Nursery