St. Paul’s was inspected in February 2024 and it was confirmed that we continue to be a ‘Good’ school
Highlights of the report:
St Paul’s CofE First School provides pupils with a good quality of education. It also teaches pupils to be kind, caring and supportive to others. The school’s CARE values of community, aspiration, respect and endurance show in the ambitions that staff set for pupils. Indeed, expectations for learning are high, and are reflected in the academic
standards reached.
Parents and pupils hold positive views about this school. They praise its caring ethos, interesting curriculum and attention to pupils’ wider development. Inspection evidence confirms that they are right to have confidence in the school. It provides an effective curriculum and a healthy environment for learning.
The school benefits from committed, informed and reflective leadership. The headteacher, other leaders, governors and trust oversight steer the school well.
Read the full report here:
Ofsted Report - February 2024
St Paul’s was graded as a ‘Good’ school at its last Ofsted inspection in September 2016
Highlights from our recent Ofsted Report September 2016
The school lives out its motto to ‘Inspire, Achieve and Believe’ based on the school’s Christian Values. An inclusive and welcoming culture is at the heart of the school’s ethos.
Partnerships with parents are strong…One summed up the views of many with the comment: ‘We have seen the school go from strength to strength. There is a rapid improvement going on and a desire to make sure that all children have a great experience’.
A strong feature of teaching is the purposeful atmosphere for learning, with teachers establishing positive working relationships with the pupils.
Pupils thrive in a happy, caring environment where their welfare and safety are paramount…Pupils are friendly, well-mannered and respectful to visitors, staff and other pupils.
To view our latest OFSTED report, please click here