At St Paul’s CE First school, we follow the PSHE Association scheme of work to ensure all of our lessons are effective and age appropriate. This curriculum aims to develop the qualities and skills that children need to help promote positive behaviour and effective learning.

PSHE is taught on a weekly basis by each class teacher. Each lesson focuses on an aspect from our three main strands of learning:

  • relationships,
  • living in the wider community
  • and mental health and wellbeing.

Within each lesson, we aim to provide our children with learning opportunities across and beyond the curriculum in activities that enrich pupils’ experiences and enable each individual to be a positive role model in the school and wider community. Within PSHE, we encourage positive learning behaviour through our eight learning buddies. All children are aware of these key aspects to learning.

All children will be taught PSHE. Parents do not have the right to withdraw their child from any aspect of Relationship or Health Education; however we do always encourage parents to discuss any questions or queries with their child’s class teacher.

Please see below for more information:

PSHE Long Term Plan

PSHE Vision Statement

RSE Curriculum Mapping


We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

Join the Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.