The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding given to schools to:
- raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.
- support children and young people with parents in the regular armed forces.
It was first introduced in April 2011. Since then the amount schools and academies receive has increased. Schools and academies will receive funding based on the number of pupils who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years (Ever 6).
The Department for Education has clear expectations how the Pupil Premium Grant may be spent:
- for the purposes of the school, ie, for the educational benefit of pupils registered at that school;
- for the benefit of pupils registered at other maintained schools or academies;
The grant does not have to be completely spent by schools in the financial year; some or all of it may be carried forward to future financial years.
Key Principles for using the Pupil Premium Grant at St Paul’s First School:
- St Paul’s has a commitment to raise achievements for pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium and knows these pupils must make faster progress than non-eligible pupils and is determined to achieve this.
- St Paul’s never confuses eligible pupils with low ability and strives to ‘bring out the best’ in this group of pupils and support them to achieve the highest levels.
- St Paul’s creates an overall package of support aimed to tackle the range of barriers including; attendance, behaviour, external factors, professional development focussing on improving outcomes for eligible pupils, improving the quality of teaching and learning, language acquisition, parental engagement, opportunities for first-hand experiences and development of literacy and numeracy skills.
- St Paul’s uses assessment systems to track and enable thorough analysis of data (Reading, Writing and Maths) to identify pupils who are underachieving and why.
- St Paul’s directs resources and interventions to accelerate progress of eligible pupils and close the attainment gap compared to their peers.
- St Paul’s uses data to carefully track the impact of targeted spending (interventions, projects or pedagogy) on attainment and progress of eligible pupils.
- The Pupil Premium Leader and the Headteacher have a clear overview of how funding is allocated and the difference it is making to the outcomes of pupils termly.
- St Paul’s ensures class teachers and subject leaders know which pupils are eligible for Pupil Premium so they can take responsibility for accelerating progress and accountability is shared across the school.
- The Local Academy Committee (LAC) is ambitious for pupils and closely monitors the school’s effectiveness in closing the gap between different groups of pupils.
Please select a file to download:
Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2026
Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-2024
Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2022
Pupil Premium Strategy 2020-2021