
Mrs Claire Richards
Designated Safeguarding Lead, Maths and Computing Lead

Senior Leadership Team

Miss Charlotte Woodgate
Assistant Headteacher

Mrs Joanne Walsh
Early Years Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Miss Erin Ball
Nursery Teacher, Music and Geography Lead

Mrs Joanne Walsh
Reception Teacher, Early Years, Phonics and PE Lead

Miss Isobelle Evans
Year 1 Teacher

Mrs Amy Pope
Year 2 Teacher, RE, Collective Worship and PSHE Lead

Miss Charlotte Woodgate
Year 3 Teacher, Science and English Lead

Mrs Joanne Thompson
Year 4 Teacher, History and MFL Lead

Mrs Katrina Clews
Year 4 Teacher

Miss Amy Stafford

Support Staff

Mrs Paula Hodgkins
Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Art and D&T Lead

Mrs Heather Beason
Early Years Teaching Assistant

Mrs Trudy Clemson
Early Years Teaching Assistant/1:1 Teaching Assistant

Miss Leah Moogan
Teaching Assistant/1:1 Teaching Assistant

Miss Amie Morgan
1:1 Teaching Assistant

Mrs Carol Holloway
1:1 Teaching Assistant

Office Staff

Mrs Joanne Cole
Office Administrator

Miss Louisa Griffiths
Clerical Finance Assistant

Before and After School Club

Mrs Debbie Guest
Breakfast Club

Mrs Fiona Roden
Breakfast Club

Mrs Ruth Fletcher
After-School Club

Miss Karen Leadbeatter
After-School Club

Kitchen and Lunchtime Staff


Mrs Debbie Guest
Senior Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs Ruth Fletcher
Lunchtime Supervisor

Miss Karen Leadbeatter
Lunchtime Supervisor

Miss Amie Morgan
Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs Fiona Roden
EYFS Lunchtime Supervisor

Miss Louisa Griffiths                                                                                                  EYFS Lunchtime Supervisor

Site Staff

Mrs Ruth Fletcher

Ms Debbie Sweet
School Cleaner

Miss Caitlyn Pickford
School Cleaner


We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

Join the Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.